So what's next?
We're glad you'd like to know! Whether you're completely new to church, or you're looking for a church family to become a part of, we'd love to answer your questions!
Learn more about Jesus.
When we gather in worship, when we go on a mission trip, or when we host a special event at Willow Ridge, we do it all because of Jesus. Without him, our faith would have no foundation, and we would have no hope for salvation. Maybe you’re on this page and you’ve only heard about Jesus through TV, music, and books — or maybe you don’t know anything about him. We think that’s worth changing, because he’s worth everything. Click below to learn more about who Jesus is.
Commit to Baptism.
Simply put, baptism is an outward display and celebration of your inward decision to trust Christ with your eternity. It’s an act of obedience, a step of acknowledgement that is representative of the fact that Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose again from the grave, alive, so that each of us can experience eternal life.
If you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus, baptism is the next step in your spiritual journey — and if you’ve been a believer for a while and have never been baptized, now is the time! We offer a class called Discovering Baptism where you can learn more about what baptism means, and we would love to come alongside you as you consider this next step in your walk!
Call Willow Ridge home.
People were designed to be in community, and being a Christian is no exception which is why the local church exists. Each week the church gathers to worship God, discover his plan for our lives, and learn how to live out his priorities. If you’re a believer, commit to getting involved. Being involved in the local church is crucial to your growth and experience of the abundant life Christ has in store for you!
If you’d like to know more about being a member at Willow Ridge, we offer a simple class called Discovering Willow that talks about all the great aspects there are to being a part of our family. Click below to get more information!
Find a small group.
Church is about more than just Sunday mornings! The best discipleship happens in the context of relationship. That’s why Willow Ridge is home to many different Small Groups that are all designed to help you thrive in community and grow in your faith. Our groups happen at a variety of times for different age groups and family dynamics, so there’s a spot waiting just for you! We would love to help you find it.
Volunteer your time.
Maybe you already know this, but there’s no one like you. Your unique gifting, talents, and perspectives bring a richness to the church body that can’t be substituted. Volunteering is one of the greatest platforms there is for you to exercise these gifts — and we’ve got a spot that’s perfect for you! Whether you love serving with kids, you’re just plain great with people, or you’ve played an instrument since you were a child, we’d love to help you find a spot to serve in the way God has called you.
Still have questions?
Use the form below to contact us and we'd be happy to help!